About doing everything fully – but “only” at 80%

About doing everything fully – but “only” at 80%

My last blog post was my most personal to date. Ever since, my inbox has been drowning in messages – thank you so much for all your care, but I’m totally okay. I shared the content with you because life both goes up and down, even for me. But we are not always allowed to see it on social media, in the perfect world we live in. But can we live like that at all?

A loss must never become a taboo – a personal blog post about loss

A loss must never become a taboo – a personal blog post about loss

This Sunday I went through the wildest 24 hours of my life. Those of you who have watched “Iron Woman” on TV2Play know that Claus and I at one point tried to have a child – one more. It fit perfectly into the plans this summer, where there was still time to train up to Hawaii again after a birth. However, the baby project was shelved, and I have since had full focus on the World Cup in Hawaii happening in October. You have probably also noticed this here on the blog. But you can’t be on control of everything.

A marathon that never ends

A marathon that never ends

You may already know, but I have always been named as the bad runner. A prejudice I myself think I made up for this summer when I ran a marathon in just 2 hours, 57 minutes and 36 seconds. But right now, I feel like I’m in the middle of a marathon that never ends. The finish line moves every time I spot it on the horizon. It’s a real Corona-marathon.